Saturday, June 14, 2014

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs maybe the KEY!!

 At the second  “round table” was discussed about the influence of needs on students’ motivation. I gave  reading material related with this topic.  I divided the teachers into some groups and did TPS (think, pair, share). 
 After I read, one teacher Ms. Boyd argued that all teachers should be familiar with Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), at least they should understand the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  Ms. Boyd expressed the more  you understand the concept the more we can motivate our students. Using that pyramid, Maslow tells us that people tend to fulfill the basic needs first before they go to the upper needs. As we may know Maslow divided the human needs into some stages: psychological needs; safety and security; love and belonging; self-esteem; and self-actualization. 
For instance, people who are in hungry rarely think to get the permanent house. Usually they will work hard to get the food first. If that need has fulfilled maybe they will go to the next needs, such as houses, education, friends, etc. In my opinion, knowing this concept is very important for teacher. If we meet our students who are demotivated we can apply this concept. The first thing that we have to do is knowing the cause of that students become demotivated. If that cause is related with psychological needs, we have to solve this problem first. Avoid talking more about the importance of education before we find the solution of their problem. 
 In conclusion, if we want to motivate our students to show the best, it is important to know the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Therefore, let us know more about students’ need to be able to motivate them. When they are motivated, the success in learning is front of their eyes.   

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