Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Parents are an important part of student Motivation

Children often remain with parents in their home, so it is the responsibility of the parents to fulfill the basic needs/educational needs of their children. Moreover parents are always in the favor of controlled life of their children. They also produce such atmosphere at home which does not affect the growth and Education of their children. Therefore, parents always engage themselves to motivate their children for their better success through;
• Discussing with their children about the benefits of education. 
 • Discussing with their children about their family background. 
 • Parents always engage themselves in giving such other examples to their children about school related topics.

 A parent can offer many of these beneficial, extrinsic, and motivational factors, but one important part is the context and manner in which the motivation is given /received. Mainly, an underlying self-efficacy must always be present because if a child believes she can do well, then he/she will. If a student believes that a goal is unattainable, then there is really no need to attempt to achieve that goal. Extrinsic motivation causes students to perceive more goals as unattainable, whereas and intrinsically motivated student will see very few goals as unattainable because that student believes that anything is possible with effort. This is where parental involvement becomes crucial. Encouragement rather than reward will cue a child in to intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, encouragement can be a form of reward because it displays one of the most basic forms of reward: attention. Children, of course, need more than pats on the back and positive sayings to encourage them and many other forms of encouragement exist. "Curiosity killed the cat" is a clich? That could not be farther from the truth because curiosity is one of the strongest motivators with regards to the constant need for satisfaction. This need will intrinsically motivate children to discover and understand new concepts that otherwise would remain foreign territory. The most difficult aspect of helping a child is having the patience to allow discovery. Telling a child the answer helps them complete the assignment, but severely decreases their understanding.


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